The first computer with magnetic disk storage
IBM introduced the first commercial that used magnatic disk storage on september 4 1956.
The IBM RAMAC 305, which was one of the last vaccum tube system designed, stood for Random Access Method, of Accounting and control.
The RAMAC 305, was a complete compact data processing system built around a disk memory unit which consisted of 50 magnetic metal disks. It was designed to provide continuous, accounting for all types of business.
Data used to be recorded on or read from each side of the disk in random order by a rapidly - moving access arm.
The disk units were avaible with stoarage available with stoarage capacities of 5 million digits and 10 million digits.
The 305 RAMAC was an electronic general purpose data processing machine that maintained business record on a real - time basis.
More than 1,000 of them were built before production ened in 1961.
The RAMMac also had arithmetical and logical ability. Additional features included punched paper tape input, remote printing stations, dual disk files, dual access arms, dual system control, and faster, flexible printing.